This is her and her Father, 1998.
This is her on Vacation in Venezuela.
Birthday party as a child.
At a party with friends.
The car in which Jacqueline traveled. She was hit by another car that was driven by a 17-year old male student on his way home after drinking a couple of hard packs with his friends. This was in December 1999.
After the accident Jacqueline has needed over 40 operations.
Jacqueline was caught in the burning car and her body was heavily burnt during around 45 seconds.
With her Father, 2000.
Getting treatment.
Three months after accident.
Without a left eyelid Jacquie needs eye drops to keep her vision.
Now 20 year old, he cannot forgive himself for driving drunk on that night three years Ago.
He's aware of devastating Jacqueline Saburidos life.
Not everyone who gets hit with a car dies. This picture was taken 4 years after the accident and the doctors are still working on Jacqueline, whose body was covered with 60% severe burnings.
God forbids this happens to anyone close to me or I know. People are stubborn!!
Just recently right after I got my drivers license and started driving around the city, I thought about something. What is the disadvantage of getting your license and start driving? I say it was being unable to drink whenever your out clubbing, or partying or just plain drinking at the bar with friends. So for a slew of occasions now, I wasn't able to drink alcohol at any parties and bars I have been to ever since I started driving. And Im very proud of myself for that. Even proud of my friends to for they did not let me drink and drive. But I have a confession to make, yeah, I need a spank in the behind because I totally just did that today. I had a couple of shots in the bar and even took some with me on my way home. Okay, I wasnt drunk, but tipsy enough to drive in swirls on the streets of vegas. I am guilty of this, I am stubborn but I promised my self, even way before this, I will never drink and drive or at least try not to.
Ironically, right when I got home, I saw this message posted on Myspace bulletin. This totally hit me and made me feel guilty, nauseous and sad. This story is so sad and it had to happen to someone so innocent. Live is so unpredictable out there. So please, dont drink and drive. Spare someone their lives and even yours.
Hope this will serve as a lesson to stubborn people out there who could care less about anything....
Big Kiss,
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